Monday, February 28, 2005

The Long Anticipated Update

First of all, I'm now going to be updating the blog approximately whenever I feel like it. Next, I found out from the Daily Show that the Blog in now The One Medium For News... TO RULE THEM ALL! Not that I take a lot of pride in edging out Anderson Cooper 360.

In the news, the Pope, or as I call him "Popey", has been hospitilized again. It appears that at age 84, eh, you're health might deteriorate. J.P. 2.0 has had a tracheotomy surgery (i.e. a tube to help him breathe). In my humble opinion, if you are no longer able to breathe you might want to think about a replacement. I am going to use my superior Blogging powers and suggest right now that it be Mel Gibson. Before you laugh consider the following- The Passion of the Christ made 380 million in the US alone, making it the most profitable church related event since the the Temple in Jerusalem back in 33 AD. Which would you rather see- The Pontiff in his Glass Bubble Pope-mobile or Mad Max in the Last of the V8 Interceptors? Finally, you could claim to be studying the life of the pope while watching Braveheart and get away with it. Heck, I'd convert to Catholicism then.

In all fairness to facts, I did get in a slight wreck on Thursday. I'm going on the record saying it was a fender bender but I'm required to show you this picture of the wreck:

In my defense, I did it to save the world.You see I was driving in the parking lot, when all of the sudden, BANG the entire world converted to Nazism. Luckily, my car is half time machine so I was able to go back in time and stop the guy who was meddling with the fabric of the Time-Space Continuum. In order to return to my time, I had to be driving 88 miles per hour (Back to the Future taught us that). So when I returned to this age, there was a car in my way and it, uh, went downhill from there.


At 1:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooof... Thank goodness for those half-time-machine hybrids, eh?

At 7:28:00 PM, Blogger Hunter Barry said...

Jo ro, what did I say in the first post about talking about grammar? I'll give you a hint, it's the opposite of mention them. Now I have to smite you. There, you have been smote... OLD SCHOOL!

At 9:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha jo ro got "smote" thats the funniest thing ive heard all day. that just shows how un funny my day has been so far

At 10:22:00 PM, Blogger Hunter Barry said...

Webb, It's 10se! I've mentioned that in every prior post.

At 7:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe webb is so wacked out on rave drugs that he pwned himself worse than gunther's car. and i was born in mississippi. wait a min... u said alabama... ill just stop talkin now

At 10:42:00 PM, Blogger Hunter Barry said...

Joe I told you about potty mouth earlier too. We've all listened to D12's My Band.


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